If you want to - |
Who to contact |
E-mail address |
NZ phone number |
Get access to the Catch Effort “front end” |
Help Desk co-ordinator (Information Management, Technology & Communications) |
04 460 4643 |
Get access to the non-fish bycatch data provided by fishers |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get access to scientific or research data collected by the Ministry of Fisheries Observer Programme |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get access to compliance information collected by the Ministry of Fisheries Observer Programme | Andrew
(Observer Programme) |
[email protected] | 04 460 4663 |
Get access to information on customary take | Scott Williamson
(Fisheries Management) |
[email protected] | 03 548 1069 ext: 556 |
Get access to the data, specimens or forms generated by fisheries research projects |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get an extract of the information provided on Licensed Fish Receiver Returns |
Help Desk co-ordinator (Information Management, Technology & Communications) |
04 460 4643 |
Get an extract of the information provided on Quota Management Returns or Monthly Harvest Returns |
Help Desk co-ordinator (Information Management, Technology & Communications) |
04 460 4643 |
Get an extract of Catch Effort data |
Help Desk co-ordinator (Information management, Technology & Communications) |
04 460 4643 |
Get an extract of Catch effort data from the version of the database used for stock assessments (which resides at NIWA) |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get authorisation to provide Catch Effort data to a person from outside the Ministry |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get sent a photocopy of an original Catch Effort form filled in by the fisher |
Ben McKenzie (FishServe) |
04 460 9514 |
Get training on how to use the Catch Effort front end - compliance staff only |
Barry Webster (Compliance) |
03 474 2692 |
Get training on how to use FIS |
Merryn Jones (Service Delivery) |
04 470 2698 |
Get a data entry error in Catch Effort corrected |
Sally Littler (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4684 |
Get documentation on how to use the Catch Effort front end |
Sally Littler (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4684 |
Get documentation on how to use FIS |
Merryn Jones (Service Delivery) |
04 470 2698 |
Get advice of a compliance or enforcement nature on the meaning of the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations or explanatory notes |
Lee Robinson (Compliance Policy and Planning) |
04 470 2667 |
Get advice of a legal nature on the meaning of the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations or explanatory notes |
Cathryn Bridge (Legal) |
04 470 2584 |
Get another copy of this library |
Sally Littler (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4684 |
Get changes made to the species or fishstock code lists |
Gail Dickie (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4610 |
Get changes made to the processed state code list or conversion factors |
Bob Johnston (Fisheries Planning & Co-ordination) |
04 471 9359 |
Get changes made to statistical areas, fisheries management areas or quota management areas |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get a change made to the contents of this library |
Sally Littler (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4684 |
Get a change made to the way that Catch Effort data is validated |
Sally Littler (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4684 |
Get changes of a compliance or enforcement nature made to the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations |
Lee Robinson (Compliance Policy and Planning) |
04 470 2667 |
Get changes of a scientific or research nature made to the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations |
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Get changes of a compliance or enforcement nature made to the explanatory notes |
Lee Robinson (Compliance Policy and Planning) |
04 470 2667 |
Get changes of a scientific or research nature made to the explanatory notes
Kim Duckworth (Research Data Management) |
04 460 4616 |
Note - Changes to regulations, explanatory notes, maps etc. are possible but require a lot of work. There needs to be a very good reason before changes will be made.
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